Web Application – React

Musician playing a Banjo

The final project that I did during my full-stack web developer course.

Spotify playlist search

This is a project from Codecademy.com. It’s a web application using our knowledge of React components, passing state, and requests with the Spotify API.

It allows a user to search the Spotify library, create a custom playlist and save it to their Spotify account.

It’s quite tough mainly because I’m still at the learning stage. There were so many bugs, mainly due to wrong syntax and to simplest of all: missing closing parenthesis. Generally, the languages are more or less the same. The difference is only in it’s implementation and what is the language used for.

This is my second attempt using IntelliJ as my Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Previously I used VSCode. I find it’s troublesome to switch IDEs. VSCode mainly was used for front-end development. IntelliJ was mainly used for Java.

I’m using IntelliJ Ultimate (subscription-based). The community and student version have limited functionality like can’t install plugins for JavaScript. With the ultimate version, it has the Spring Initializr built-in. I don’t have to go to the website to get it done.

Of course there is GitHub integration and I used IntelliJ as my main word processor.

I’ll be starting my apprenticeship next week for the next six months. It’s where the rubber meets the road.


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2 responses to “Web Application – React”

  1. Hi, I have happened to chance upon your blog, and wish to find out more about the course, if you don’t mind sharing 🙂 I was contemplating to take up the course, as my main concern is not being able to find a job after the 9 months journey, since majority of the available positions out there require minimum experience. And there isn’t alot of reviews out there.

    1. Is the 3 months bootcamp very fast-paced to catch for those without prior experience?
    2. Would you mind sharing your experience during the 6 months apprenticeship?
    3. How you able to pick your apprenticeship company?
    Thank you, appreciate it!


    • I’ve got a job just before the end of my apprenticeship. Yes, it’s true that most of the positions require minimum experience. The thing is to look at the required skillset instead. Are you comfortable with the front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React) or back-end (Java and Spring Boot)? The point is the field is vast. Just ignore the minimum experience and apply for it. Look out for the junior or entry level. For me as I was doing my job search, I tend to get more on Java requirements. As I went through a lot of job interviews, I became proficient in answering Java-specific questions. It helps too when you say you are willing to learn.

      To answer your questions:
      1. Is the 3-month bootcamp very fast-paced to catch for those without prior experience?

      Yes, it is. If you do not know anything about coding, it’s really going to be tough. HTML and CSS are easy. JavaScript is a bit tougher. For React, it’s much easier when you understand JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Java is a lot tougher. When you understand the concepts, it’s much easier. For me, prior to starting the course, I learn the languages online just to get the basic concepts.

      2. Would you mind sharing your experience during the 6 months apprenticeship?

      Sure. During my apprenticeship, I needed to learn another language, C#, because I was assigned to the backend. It took me about 1.5 months to grasp an understanding of it. It was good in that sense because I had teammates that were supportive. Towards the end of the apprenticeship, I was re-assigned to the front-end, and it was tough on me. It was because I had to deal with a very personal emotional issue that affected my work. Thankfully, I managed to pull through, and by the fifth month, I got hired to a permanent position in another company. My apprenticeship was with a startup.

      Even if you are doing your apprenticeship with a well-established company, you still need to apply for a job during that time. It happened to some of my course mates. They were doing their apprenticeship with a blue-chip Singaporean-based company. The company kept them for the duration of the apprenticeship and on 1st January 2022, simply sent an email to them saying that they are not offering any full-time placement. They even had a technical test in the last week of the year, and before they were accepted there was a technical test too. Their reason: No degree.

      3. How you [sic] able to pick your apprenticeship company?

      During my course, they have a list, and we choose the top three companies we want to do our apprenticeship. There will be interviews and the company will select you. It might be different now. You need to check with the Generation team.


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